
Secret Judaic Origins of the Tarot

Saturday, January 18, 2020  02:00pm 


Presented by the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism.  Stav Appel, a local resident here in Westchester, will conduct an adult education program called “The Secret Judaic Origins of the Tarot.” The presentation details the theory that the original Tarot cards, from France 1650, were actually a tool for clandestine Jewish education during the 175 year long exile of Jews from France declared by King Charles IV in 1394.

After framing the historical context, Stav will show the original Tarot cards to the audience and give them hints to help them decode the hidden Jewish content hiding in the cards. The presentation/discussion has nothing to do with fortune-telling and focuses entirely on Jewish history in Europe and artistic analysis. In the cards, if one knows how to look, one can find Hebrew letters, Judaic ritual objects, Torah stories, and Jewish Holy Days.

Light refreshments will be provided. Handicapped accessible.

Location     Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 468 Rosedale Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605
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