
U Boats off the Coast: Operations & effect of German submarines at New York Harbor during World War II

Sunday, May 24, 2020  03:00pm 


Join us for an exploration of the tactics and impact of Operation Drumbeat, the campaign by German U boat submarines to attack American & allied military and supply ships off the coast of New York and New Jersey from 1941 to 1943, by Ranger Mike Callahan, Captain (ret.) United States Army.  This campaign created a grave sense of danger and fear among the local New York area population, particularly in the early days of American involvement in World War II.  The presentation helps to illuminate themes explored in the site’s current feature exhibition, “A Special Role: St. Paul’s Church and World War II.”

Location     St. Paul's Church N.H.S., 897 S. Columbus Av., Mt. Vernon, NY
Contact      David Osborn, 914-667-4116
Extra Info    FREE
