
Countywide Yom Hashoah Holocaus Virtual Commemoration

Tuesday, April 21, 2020  12:00pm  01:00pm


Please join us for the Annual Countywide Yom Hashoah Holocaust Virtual Commemoration on Tuesday, April 21st at 12:00PM on Zoom.

The program begins with sounding the Shofar and the reading of the Holocaust Rescued Torahs that would have joined the procession and will include remarks, including those of Auschwitz Survivor, Peter Somogyi. 

For additional information on this event, please refer to the details below..

The commemoration is free and open to all.  

This is a beautiful and meaningful commemoration.  We hope you can join us as we reaffirm our commitment to keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive.

Please RSVP to Millie Jasper,  to receive the Zoom details.

Contact      Millie Jasper
Extra Info   
