
WILC Online Preventative Support Groups

Friday, May 22, 2020  02:30pm  04:00pm



We are now living without theater, sports, concerts, toilet paper, studio audiences, school, going into

work, eating out, movies … connecting with people in person.

The Westchester Independent Living Center (WILC) invites you to join our live, online group to

share and listen to our experiences about the current Coronavirus Pandemic from one of the most

safe places we all might know right now - at home with our phone, tablet, and/or computer at our


Working as an advocate, and mutual supporter and educator continually proves that sharing with

and understanding each other usually reduces, and prevents further, the harm caused by times like


WILC will hold our “Preventative Support” group on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:30pm -4pm.

Click this link and log on as a guest if you’d like to connect with us:


Location     Online via Zoom
Contact      Jeff Zitofsky
Extra Info   
