
Brown Bag Book Group

Wednesday, September 16, 2020  01:30pm  02:30pm


We will discuss two different genres for this month's meeting.

Bring your comfortable cushion or favorite outside chair. Our aim is to bring social distance to discussion ( weather permitting)

The Fiction "Book of the Little Axe" by Lauren Francis-Sharma 
In 1796 Trinidad, young Rosa Rendón quietly but purposefully rebels against the life others expect her to lead. Bright, competitive, and opinionated, Rosa sees no reason she should learn to cook and keep house, for it is obvious her talents lie in running the farm she, alone, views as her birthright. But when her homeland changes from Spanish to British rule, it becomes increasingly unclear whether its free black property owners--Rosa's family among them--will be allowed to keep their assets, their land, and ultimately, their freedom. 
By 1830, Rosa is living among the Crow Nation in Bighorn, Montana with her children and her husband, Edward Rose, a Crow chief.

The NonFiction "In The Dream House : A Memoir" by Carmen Machado
For years Carmen Maria Machado has struggled to articulate her experiences in an abusive same-sex relationship. In this extraordinarily candid and radically inventive memoir, Machado tackles a dark and difficult subject with wit, inventiveness and an inquiring spirit, as she uses a series of narrative tropes—including classic horror themes—to create an entirely unique piece of work which is destined to become an instant classic.Questions: 864-0038

Location     Mount Kisco Public Library
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