
The Science Behind Mindfulness Practices

Wednesday, November 04, 2020  07:00pm  08:30pm


We’ve all heard that meditative practices are good for us, but is there science to back up this claim? Can they reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and actually change our brains? Join Laurence Magro for an introduction to mindfulness-based interventions, focusing on MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), the original evidence-based protocol developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Learn about research that supports the positive outcomes of formal and informal practice and engage in brief experiential exercises. Laurence is a psychotherapist and certified professional in MBSR. As a founder and director of Mindful Living NY, she offers classes in meditation, stress and pain management, and mindful eating. For more information, see

Location     White Plains Library Zoom Event
Contact      K. Bauman, 914-422-6980
Extra Info   
