
For Men Only, Let’s Talk: An Open Discussion For Men With A Spouse Or Partner Going Through Cancer

Tuesday, December 08, 2020  07:00pm  08:00pm


Open to men nationwide who have a spouse or partner living with breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. Pre-registration is required. To register, call Support Connection, 914-962-6402 or 800-532-4290. Must register no later than 5 pm (NY time) on Mon., Dec. 7. 

It may be your spouse or partner who has been diagnosed with cancer, but it also affects you, as well as your family. You want to help and be supportive, but it’s not always easy to know how. Speaking with others who are in the same situation is an excellent way to learn, get ideas, and feel less alone.

A facilitator will lead the discussion which will include following topics: What it’s like to see your spouse or partner go through cancer, and how it affects you; How cancer can impact you and your spouse or partner, your relationship and your family; Coping strategies for you, your spouse or partner, and your family; Giving yourself permission to take care of your own needs at the same time as you support your loved one.

Location     Zoom Meeting
Contact      914-962-6402
Extra Info   
