
Westchester Collaborative Theater (WCT) Presents A Tenth Anniversary Celebration “Cheers To 10 Years” – Streaming Live Saturday, December 12 at 8 pm

Saturday, December 12, 2020  08:00pm  09:30pm


Ossining, NY –Westchester Collaborative Theater (WCT), which commemorates its 10th anniversary this year, is presenting a virtual event, Cheers To 10 Years, a celebration of the company’s decade of success in developing new work for the theater. The production will stream live on Saturday, December 12 at 8 pm. 

WCT Executive Director Alan Lutwin says, “While these are trying times, the arts are needed now more than ever. WCT is committed to continue to bring live theater to the community in a way that is safe and accessible.” Lutwin notes that WCT was quick to pivot to the virtual space, holding interactive, online, bi-weekly labs for playwrights and actors since April. In June, the company hosted one of Westchester’s first full-scale virtual productions. Workshops and the production have been attended by members and viewers from across the nation including Puerto Rico, Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, and California. 

“Cheers To 10 Years” will include selected scenes from some of WCT’s most popular and highly acclaimed, previously staged productions, music sets by noted jazz artists KJ Denhert and Ingrid Jensen (both Ossining residents) and teasers of upcoming 2021 productions. WCT will also pay tribute to the late Joe Albert Lima, a revered theater professional and longtime WCT actor/writer/director member.

The event is being co-produced by Lutwin and WCT playwright/actor member Carol Mark. The pieces will be directed by WCT members Susan Ward, Chris Arena and Melissa Nocera. WCT member Julia LaVerde will serve as technical director. The actors include: Steve Allen, Rob Ansbro, Keith Bulluck, Susan Courtney, Albi Gorn, Donna James and Tom Lloyd. 

The selected scenes from previously produced WCT mainstages are from: 

Lot’s Wife by Albi Gorn 

A Short Walk Into Sunshine by Joe Albert Lima 

The Legend by Rick Apicella 

In addition, parts of Hey Dad, a short play by Carol Mark scheduled for WCT’s 2021 Living Art Event, will be performed.

KJ Denhert has appeared at scores of festivals, has had residencies at the 55 Bar in NYC and the Baz Bar in St. Barts, and recently completed seven consecutive residencies at the prestigious Umbria Jazz Festival in Italy. She performs solo, duo and with her full band. 

In addition to her quartet, Ingrid Jensen leads her own quintet and organ trio. Jensen’s own band’s glowing reviews have earned her a loyal fan base around the globe. A sought-after teacher, collaborator, and soloist, she was called “as versatile as she is vigorous” by The New York Times.

Tickets to the live-streamed production are $25. To purchase please go to:

or call (914) 263-4953.

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