
OG Westchester Weekly Speaker Program

Tuesday, February 09, 2021  10:45am  12:00pm


The Old Guard of Westchester is a not-for-profit organization, with roots that go back to 1954.  Old Guard members are residents of Westchester County and neighboring communities.  We are retired or semi-retired men who had careers such as businessmen, lawyers, doctors, managers, financiers, writers, teachers, and communication specialists.

Normally we meet every Tuesday at the Ethical Culture Society building in White Plains to socialize and listen to guest speakers on topics including local, regional and national social issues, economic and political topics, medicine and other science related subjects. During the current pandemic our meetings, including our programs, have been conducted on ZOOM Virtual Meetings.  For information regarding attendance at a specific event, contact:  Stephen Loewengart --- (914) 761-3384

You can find more general information about our organization at following link - Old Guard of Westchester


This Week's Program:         Tuesday Morning Quarterback        


This Week's Speaker:          Jim Zafiros


About the Speaker:              Jim, a current Old Guard Member, is the former Vice President of National Sales for NBC-TV Stations Division.


Location     7 Saxon Wood Road, White Plains, New York
Extra Info    At approximately 10:45 am, 10 minutes past the close of the business meeting – After the last snap by Brady and Mahomes on Sunday evening, and the last critical analysis by the Monday Morning pundits, Old Guard’s own Jim Zafiros, will take us on an exclusive behind the scenes tour of those 30-second classic football commercials, halftime entertainment, and the large number of entertainment venues that help drive the Super Bowl. Plus, what goes into pricing, packaging, selling and merchandising for the greatest sports spectacle, highest audience and pre-eminent ad industry event of the entire year. Jim predicts that “with people staying home, due to Covid-19, the TV sets-in-use ratings will be a record high.”
