
LGBTQ Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, February 22, 2021  06:00pm  08:00pm


This meeting is being conducted remotely pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order.

Details to follow. 

Location     Video conference
Extra Info    AGENDA
1) Guest Speaker, Officer Pamela Sgroi (Peekskill Police Department)
2) SLACK Discussion
3) Pronoun Initiative Update
4) Update on 2/16 meeting with the Seniors, Youth & Intergovernmental Services committee of the Board of Legislatures.
5) Priority Setting for Advisory Board & How Best to Relay to Committee and CE
i. Previous initiatives and potential subjects/speakers discussed included: single stall bathrooms, police reform, pronouns, parenting, Departments of Correction and Social Services (revising policies/procedures), dating during pandemic, homeless LGBTQ+ youth, affordable housing, SAGE.
6) Pride 2021
