
Toll Free Telephone Book Club for Women with Cancer

Thursday, February 11, 2021  07:00pm  08:00pm


Open to people nationwide who have or have had breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call Support Connection: 914-962-6402 or 800-532-4290.

Book to be discussed: The Oysterville Sewing Circle, by Susan Wiggs. Having faced tragedy and betrayal in New York City, Caroline Shelby has no choice but to return to her hometown of Oysterville. Upon her return, she realizes that we all learn life lessons through adversity, and support is the thread that helps us through. “While Wiggs doesn’t shy away from addressing abuse in its myriad forms through the stories of the women in the sewing circle, a central theme of this novel is the healing power of family and community, and especially women supporting one another.” Review by Annie Peters, Book Page

Discussion leader: Amy Curran Baker,  author of Now What? A Guide to Recovery After Mastectomy.

Location     Zoom Meeting
Contact      914-962-6402
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