
Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center and Shames Jewish Community Center-Words, Symbols, and Acts of Hate

Monday, April 26, 2021  10:00am  11:30pm


Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center and the Shames Jewish Community Center-Words, Symbols, and Acts of Hate

Please join the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center and the Shames Jewish Community Center from the comfort and safety of your own home on April 26 at 10 a.m. to learn about this important subject.

The 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and The Tree of Life Shooting were significant moments of recent history, as they reveal a persistence of hatred and overt discrimination that some Americans believed was a thing of the past.  This presentation will focus on recent increase in hate speech, hate symbols, and hate crimes we are witnessing in our schools and communities.  The First Amendment rights and limitations will be discussed as they apply to hate speech and nonverbal symbols.

Julie Scallero, co-Director of Education of the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center, will be leading the presentation.  Ms. Scallero served as chairperson of the Social Studies Department of North Salem High School for 8 years and taught at the district for 36 years.  She is a recipient of the Louis Yavner Teacher Award to Teaching about the Holocaust and Other Human Rights Violations and is former president of the Westchester Council for the Social Studies.  She was a member of the HHREC’s committee which designed an interdisciplinary Holocaust curriculum for high school students.

For more information and to register, please visit or email Millie Jasper

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