
Independence Day Celebration

Sunday, July 04, 2021  10:45am 


Join us for our outdoor, traditional Independence Day celebration, in partnership with the City of Mt. Vernon, NY. The event features a reading of the Declaration of Independence and tolling, 13 times, of the historic St. Paul's church bell. There will also be brief addresses from the podium and music. Please be aware that visitors will not be allowed to access either the historic church or the museum.  Portable toilets will be available.  Visitors are expected to follow CDC guidelines on distancing and mask protocols. Chairs will be set up, but visitors are welcome to bring their own portable chairs, or perhaps blankets to set up on the village green. 

Location     St. Paul's church N.H.S., 897 S. Columbus Av.,Mt Vernon, NY
Contact      David Osborn, 914-667-4116
Extra Info    FREE
