
Meet Local Author Alexa Recio de Fitch Via Zoom!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021  07:30pm  08:30pm


Meet Local Author Alexa Recio de Fitch Via Zoom!

Tuesday, September 28th at 7:30pm

Westchseter County crime fiction author Alexa Recio de Fitch will discuss her debut novel Triggers. Best-selling crime author Philip Weatherly has a secret—he’s a killer with a sealed juvenile record. Striking similarities between a homicide and his novel get him arrested. Is Weatherly the murderer?

Ms. Recio de Fitch has published stories in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Colombia. She is originally from Barranquilla, Colombia.

To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, please email 

Location     Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library
Extra Info   
