
Battle of Pell's Point Encampment

Saturday, October 16, 2021  10:00am  04:00pm


Our annual Battle of Pell’s Point encampment, commemorating the battle of October 18, 1776, fought about a mile from St. Paul’s, when a small American brigade throttled a much larger British force, helping to cover the retreat of General Washington’s main army from northern Manhattan to White Plains.  The event includes militia drill, musket presentations, period games, music and crafts, a commemorative ceremony, and talks about the battle and the era of the American Revolution. Special features include the Hearts of Oak re-enactor unit and a 2 PM discussion forum based on videos produced by Revolutionary Westchester 250.   

Location     St. Paul's Church N.H.S., 897 S. Columbus Av. Mt Vernon, NY
Contact      David Osborn, 914-667-4116
Extra Info    FREE
